Dental Implants


Smile confidently with dental implants from Wenatchee Dental!

Discover the benefits of our personalized and secure dental implant services.

At Wenatchee Dental, we are proud to offer the best-quality dental implant services for our patients. Our experienced team is dedicated to personalized care that meets your individual needs and goals, with a variety of choices—including single implants and bridges supported by implants. We prioritize your health, ensuring that when it comes to dental implants, you can expect nothing but the best. Trust us to deliver the results you need, boosting your confidence and restoring your smile.

If you have any questions regarding our dental implant services in Wenatchee, WA or would like to book an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is always eager to provide assistance however possible.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer an effective and secure method of replacing missing teeth. They involve implanting a titanium post into the jawbone before attaching crowns, bridges, or other dental prosthetics to it. With these in place, you can enjoy the full functionality of your mouth—achieving more confidence when eating, speaking, and smiling!

Single-Tooth Implants

If you’re missing a single tooth due to trauma, decay, or disease, then our single-tooth implants are the perfect solution for you. We offer implant-supported crowns that stand in as long-term replacements for your lost teeth. Following surgical placement of an implant post into your jawbone and successful bonding with existing bone tissue, we attach a connecting component and a personalized dental crown, ultimately restoring both the aesthetics and function of your original tooth!

Implant-Supported Bridges

If you’re missing several teeth in a row, you could be a great candidate for an implant-supported bridge! Unlike regular bridges that rely on adjacent teeth for support, these bridges are not linked to other dental structures. As such, healthy neighboring teeth no longer have to undergo reshaping or damage—the bridge will instead receive stability from implants positioned directly into the jawbone. This permanent option provides a natural appearance without compromising any nearby tooth’s health and well-being.

The Benefits Of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved appearance: Take your smile back and boost your self-confidence with a dental implant! Your smile will look perfect with its natural appearance, which blends harmoniously with the rest of your teeth.
  • Durability: With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime.
  • Comfort: Dental implants are securely fastened, providing a reliable base that prevents the insecurity and uneasiness that comes with traditional dentures.
  • Jawbone preservation: Dental implants not only provide an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth, but they also promote jawbone growth—protecting your facial structure from the skin sagging and bone loss that is associated with other tooth replacement methods. Enjoy a lasting option that will keep you smiling over time!

Restore Your Smile With Us

Restore the beauty of your smile with dental implants from Wenatchee Dental. Our experienced dentists have trained extensively on placement and restoration techniques to provide you with remarkable results that exceed expectations. 

At Wenatchee Dental, we prioritize safety and excellence and ensure each implant procedure is completed correctly—all while utilizing the most current implant technology for successful outcomes! Reach out to our Wenatchee, WA, office now to learn more about how we can help you get the smile you’ve been dreaming of!


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